CrossFit Changes Us!


If you haven't heard, the month of January was all about change!  We're focusing on how CrossFit and what we do each and every day here in classes somehow creeps into other aspects of our lives, and for the better!  Whether we started classes feeling a little bit timid or unsure of ourselves and now walk in every day knowing exactly what has to get done (and then see that happen in our jobs, too!) or have worked our deadlift to new maxes with better form (and now can shovel no matter what Snowmageddon throws at us!), what we do in CrossFit transfers to everything else we do!

Here’s a few amazing things that have changed with some of our community since starting CrossFit.

Stephanie Mullane

  1. Sleep!  I am sleeping better and longer!  Doing CrossFit made me aware about how much sleep affects my overall performance, both in and out of the gym. I have started to make sleep a priority.

  2. Strength!  I can feel new muscles in my upper and lower body. :)

  3. Nerves!  I am ok with being nervous for an event or workout.

Michela Salvucci

  1. (Dis)Comfort!  I am more comfortable with being uncomfortable. Crossfit is a huge social/physical/mental hurdle that has given me more confidence to go out of my comfort zone in all other aspects of life.

  2. Nutrition!  I’ve found that I want to fuel my body in the most effective way possible, keeping in mind what my workout is later on in the day and how my nutrition will affect it. This had led me to start various short and simple nutrition challenges at my workplace to keep myself and my coworkers on track.

  3. Sports!  I play in a lot of intramural soccer leagues, and adding crossfit to my lifestyle has made me quicker, stronger and way more confident on the field.

Grace Mlady

  1. Confidence!  The biggest thing that comes to mind is an increase in confidence and a decrease in anxiety when facing something challenging. After many of our WODs, I think, "Well, if I can do *that*, I can handle this work meeting or presentation."

  2. Task Focused!  I've also learned to tackle my work day much like a WOD -- set several goals for the day and give it your best shot.

Andy Bailer

  1. Core Strength!  Better, overall core strength - I have the ability to do things because of my core strength that I couldn't do when I started 2.5 years ago (kipping pull-ups for example)

  2. Go Before I’m Ready!  The ability to push myself and have the "Go Before I am Ready Mentality" - I love that Mat instills this in us; Great coaching from all the coaches always helps!

  3. Constant Improvement!  Hitting PR's in workouts like Fran & getting to benchmarks in terms of weight for Front Squat / Back Squat / Clean (getting stronger overall).

These are just a few BIG changes that our members are seeing both in and out of CFCL.  What changes have YOU seen since starting CrossFit!?

How has CrossFit changed you?